Added: Jul 26, 2005 3:45 pm

I had posted this in another topic, but I thought the general audience might want to see it.

If you are looking for a quicker way to download all images or links in a page, AND you are using firefox, then try this extension:
It can download them all in parallel with a single click by extension and by clicking/unclicking some radio buttons.[/url]

BTW - The name of the extension is 'downthemall' if for some reason the URL does not work for you.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 30, 2005 10:07 pm
It is a good extension especially combined with:

javascript:(function(){ function selectColor(i) { return [%22#fdc%22, %22#cdf%22, %22#bfd%22, %22#dbf%22, %22#fbd%22] [i%5]; } var u=location.href, ul=u.length; var tparts=[%22%22], zparts=[], nz=0; function isDigit(c) { return (%220%22 <= c && c <= %229%22); } for (i=0; i<ul; ) { for (; i<ul && !isDigit(u.charAt(i)); ++i) tparts[nz] += u.charAt(i); if(i<ul) { zparts[nz]=%22%22; for (; i<ul && isDigit(u.charAt(i)); ++i) zparts[nz] += u.charAt(i); tparts[nz+1]=%22%22; ++nz; } } if(!nz) { alert(%22No numbers in URL.%22); return; }; D.write(); D.close(); function a(n) { A(D.body,n); } function A(p,n) { p.append****(n); } function E(q) { return D.createElement(q); } function cT(t) { return D.createTextNode(t) } function cBR() { return E(%22br%22); } function cS(t,ci) { var s=E(%22span%22);;; A(s, cT(t)); return s; } function cTB(v,oc) { var b=E(%22input%22); b.size=6; b.value=v; b.addEventListener(%22input%22, oc, false); return b; } function cCB(t,oc) { var L=E(%22label%22), b=E(%22input%22); b.type=%22checkbox%22; b.checked=true; b.onchange=oc; A(L,b); A(L,cT(t)); return L; } function cL(nz,tparts,zparts) { var L=E(%22a%22); var u=%22%22; for (var i=0; i<nz; ++i) { A(L,cT(tparts[i])); A(L,cS(zparts[i], i)); u += tparts[i]+zparts[i]; } A(L,cT(tparts[nz])); u += tparts[nz]; L.href=u;; return L; } a(cT(%22Original URL: %22)); a(cBR()); a(cL(nz, tparts, zparts)); a(cBR()); a(cBR()); var fromBoxes=[], toBoxes=[], padChecks=[]; for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) { a(cT(%22Run %22)); a(cS(zparts[i], i)); a(cT(%22 from %22)); a(fromBoxes[i]=cTB(zparts[i], listURLs)); a(cT(%22 to %22)); a(toBoxes[i]=cTB(zparts[i], listURLs)); a(cT(%22 (%22)); a(j=cCB(%22 Pad with zeroes to maintain length%22, listURLs)); padChecks[i]=j.****Nodes[0]; a(cT(%22)%22)); a(cBR()); } a(cBR()); resultDiv=E(%22div%22); a(resultDiv); listURLs(); function listURLs() { while (resultDiv.****Nodes.length) resultDiv.remove****(resultDiv.****Nodes[0]); var lows=[], highs=[]; for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) { lows[i]=parseInt(fromBoxes[i].value, 10); highs[i]=parseInt(toBoxes[i].value, 10); if(highs[i]-lows[i] > 999) { A(resultDiv, cT(%22Too many%22)); return; } } urls=[]; function cb(sta) { var newzparts=[]; for (var i=0; i<nz; ++i) { var z=%22%22+sta[i]; if(padChecks[i].checked) while (z.length < zparts[i].length) z=%220%22+z; newzparts[i]=z; } A(resultDiv, cL(nz, tparts, newzparts)); A(resultDiv, cBR()); } fors(nz, cb, lows, highs); } function fors (n, callback, lows, highs) { function fors_inner (states, v) { if(v >= n) callback(states); else for (states[v]=lows[v]; states[v] <= highs[v]; ++(states[v])) fors_inner(states, v+1); } fors_inner ([], 0); } })()

I know it might seem hard to follow and you may think it does something bad to your browser, but alls it does is make a numbered list of links from the current link in your url bar. If you copy and paste that into a favourite you can use it whenever you want. Its very handy for jpgs and videos.

Ill use this post as an example.
Super Pornicator
Good Poster
Added: Jul 31, 2005 6:43 pm
How do you use that code? I'm sure a bunch of us non-programmers are wondering. Thanks.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Aug 03, 2005 12:31 am
In firefox got bookmarks>manage bookmarks then click new bookmark.

Give it a name eg "make list of links" and in the location box paste the javascript

Click ok and a favourite will be in your bookmarks. Lets say you have a pic in your browser:

and you know there is 100 pics, click the bookmark and you will see boxes you can enter the 100 in (see first pic). A list of links pic1.jpg to pic100.jpg will appear. You can then use downTHEMall to download all the links.
Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2005 2:14 am
Thanks, ross82. That was very helpful and informative. I can't wait to give it a try! Very Happy
Added: Aug 03, 2005 10:54 pm
Hey! i didn't know that, thanks ross82 Very Happy
I know an alternative way to reach the same results, but easier to follow. I use downthemall too - and like it - but also installed flashgot(more info here) this ad-on gives various ways to speedup multiple downloads (with or without a download manager), allows to build a gallery from linked contents or "batch download" almost any kind of media. Easy used, as simple as right click and select any of Flashgot choices.

In example: let's suppose you are visiting a site with no zip download for gallery set, simply follow this steps:

  1. Go to the last pic, right click over the image and select "show image".
  2. Then with the image loaded right click again an select "batch download with flashgot" a dialog box appear where you input the address and the variable (i.e:[1-100].jpg), hit "download" and that's all. You will get a new tab window with a simple page with all your pics in a row!
  3. When finished downloading you will check all your pics right in Firefox or hit "save page as" to get a copy of that in your HD, pics included. Very Happy