Title: Thunder vs Venom
Description: Skylar Rene & Sydney Thunder take on the powerful and skilled Venom. It starts out as a tag match, and Venom gets some submissions on the girls early and it looks like he might dominate the match, but Skylar & Sydney have other ideas. They speed up their tags in and out and quickly wear down Venom, they never let him catch his breath.
After they've humiliated him by making him tap over and over, it's time to make it even worse! They forget tagging and take him on AT THE SAME TIME! With two girls as powerful and skilled as Skylar Rene and Sydney Thunder, no one would stand a chance with both of them coming at you. And just to put a finishing touch on Venom's embarrassing loss, they then make ample use of SCISSORS, FACE SITTING, FOOT HUMILIATION, **** FOOT KISSING, FEMALE DOMINATION, HUMILIATION and MUCH MORE. A real treat for MIXED WRESTLING fans!
Format: WMV
Duration: 17 Min
Size: 214.32 MB
Resolution: 1280x720