Title: Blowing Your First Tranny Dick
Description: Keywords: **** Bi, Tranny Cock, Humiliation, Strap-On, Slut training
I found out your nasty little fantasy, boy. The one where you get on your slutty little knees and blow a cock for me. Of course, I know a nervous wimp like you could never just dive in an do it, so I've decided to put together a little party in order to help you realize you fantasy. I'm having all of my beautiful girlfriends over. We're all pretty. We're all bitchy. We're all demanding. We're going to make you service us properly, worshiping our legs, feet, asses and strap-ons....only, one of those strap-ons won't be a fake plastic cock. It will be a real tranny dick!
Format: FLV
Duration: 7 Min
Size: 30.78 MB
Resolution: 1280x720