Nice vid that one from LM.
My investigation shows that it works the same as all my other wmvs nowadays.
Slow but it works. Took in auto around 6 minutes to make 36 shots from the vid.
ie approx one pic every 10 sec.
In manual it hanged a couple of times but by reloading the vid, (not restarting IG2) and jumping to a place close to where it locked before, it was possible to continue taking manual caps.
I have experienced this ever since the HiDef wmv codecs started to be common.
Could be a codecs issue on your machine if it hangs and crashes.
I have installed the codecpack sir_d supplied in a sticky and of course DivX but that is not applicable here.
My created previews.
Some of the delay in sampling is explained by the fact I'm having the IG2 installed on the C: drive but the file I'm working on is on an external drive with USB2 connection.
The version of IG2 I have is