Title: Mia - I Need to Get as Much Pre Cum Out of you as Possible (1080 HD)
Description: 1080 HD: Mia's cow has been on the milking bench for a long time. But that doesn't matter. Mia needs to get as much pre-cum out of it as possible. Mia knows that the cow is withholding. She knows it has more inside. Mia needs to get it all out. Everything. Not one drop left. Every little bit of pre-cum is worth money, and Mia likes money very much. A cow should never keep anything from its Princess. Whatever he has is hers. A cow owns nothing of its own. Not even its potentially valuable body. Mia cares nothing for her cow's fatigue or suffering. She only wants what is rightfully hers, which shouldn't be too much to ask from a lowly cum cow. Mia sits on the cows face to entice it to produce more for her. She's frustrated that she's had to wait as long as seventy-six seconds between edges.
Format: WMV
Duration: 16 Min
Size: 1166 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080