Title: This Can Be As Real As We Make It, You Might Get Trapped
Description: Lucid Lavender!
I know how to make you trapped. And while you're there on your knees, stroking, not cumming. I want you to know what I can find out, the perfect way to make you feel trapped. How to get inside that head, find that button, the one that's gonna make you tick. The one that might make you a little nervous, but more than anything it makes your cock so hard. It's going to make your cock twitch and throb when you realize that I'm not playing a game with you. I like when it's real. And I like having you in a position where I can use you, and watch you and make melt bit by bit.
I know how to make you trapped, I think about it. I dream about it. I visualize you in your exact position right now.. how could I make you trapped? How could I make you do something that maybe at first you don't want to do but.. I can convince you, can't I? I know how to make you trapped and I want to see you trapped. I want you to be my little pet. And whatever I find to use against you will be a nice little leash, keeping you connected to me, keeping you obedient. Following all of my whispers, doing any trick that I request. I know how to make you trapped. And it's something that we both want, isn't it? If it wasn't you wouldn't be sitting here watching this clip, would you?
Or maybe you're just curious.. are you wondering, 'Is this something I might like?' This can be as real as we make it. And you make the first move. I can play with whatever you give me. We can make it worse, we can make it better, but it ends when I decide that it's time for it to end, do you understand? Nod your head. Good boy. You can see yourself there, can't you? Can you feel yourself being trapped by me? I wanna make you weaker for me. Anything that I can use to my advantage.. why wouldn't you want me to have that? Why wouldn't you want me to have more at my disposal? Do you not want me to take advantage of you? You don't want me to own you? Don't you wanna be trapped by me? Then why are you here?
Format: MP4
Duration: 11 Min
Size: 710 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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