Title: Lucid Lavender - Broken Puppet - I Have The String That Controls Your Hand
Description: Stare into my eyes, don't look away. I won't either. Focus on your breathing. Each breath getting deeper. And as your lungs fill and empty, so does your mind. Your brain seems to turn into a balloon and with each breath it fills and empties, over and over. Every time it fills, it pushes thoughts away. The balloon is emptying your mind, leaving nothing left. Putting you into a submissive state, where you're vulnerable and eager to do anything that I say. Relax into it. Don't forget to breathe. Are you naked yet? Are you in your most vulnerable state? No clothing to hide you, to mask your body. I want you naked and vulnerable. Nod and say, 'Yes Goddess', as you take off your clothes. Good boy.
Your hand drifts to your cock, doesn't it? You can't help the fact that you wanna touch. When you find yourself in this place, in this position, you don't want to do anything else. You wanna obey, you wanna touch your cock for Goddess. The more you touch the more empty your mind becomes. The more you touch any thoughts that were remaining drift away. I like how easy it is for me to get you where I want you. I like how easily you get there. So vulnerable, so lost, lost boy, staring at the screen, stroking and stroking and saying, 'Yes Mistress'. Edge over and over again. I trust that you have self control, that you're in the state of mind to exact control over yourself, to prevent yourself from having an orgasm.
It's hard work, to not cum, especially when you're so close. But when I have you like this it makes it a little easier, doesn't it? You're happier just to be here, happier to be taken away. My vulnerable boy, edging away all alone in his room. But I'm right here, you're not totally alone. Your Mistress is here to make sure that you're a good boy, to make sure that your mind stays nice and empty, to make sure your hand stays right on your cock, teasing and edging, and any time you get close you're going to.. slow down.. You're gonna calm down, you're not gonna cum, you're gonna wait for that wave to pass and then you're slowly going to start to stroke again. It's going to get harder and harder and you're going to get closer and closer, it's going to take longer and longer for you to calm down, and you will grow weaker and weaker..
Format: MP4
Duration: 14 Min
Size: 837 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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