Title: December 28, 2020 - Bizarrlady Lara, Rubber Slave, Slave-C/Lady Lara - Missbraucht Part 3 - 3
Description: Today I have 2 of my slaves in the studio at the same time. I will abuse these two pathetic slaves like they have never been abused before! One of my slaves was my amusement in a completely ridiculous cat costume, helpless and tied up all while sitting on the fucking machine. The CBT he get now he will never forget in his life. My other slave gets stretched by my StrapOn. until It's ass burns. Then he must lick my Pussy and I use him as my fucking humenm Toielt. All this he must endure with his little dick locked in a chastity cage
With: Bizarrlady Lara, Rubber Slave, Slave-C
Categories: Anal, BDSM, Brunette, Cage, CBT, Chastity Play, Confined Cock, Dildo, Dominatrix, Dungeon, Femdom, Fetish, German, Kinky, Leather Cuffs, Mask, Nylons Stockings, Pegging, Piss Play, Rope Bondage, Slave, Strap On, Vaginal Penetration, Vibrator
Format: MP4
Duration: 15 Min
Size: 1081 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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