Title: 563 Handcuffs and Trouble 4K
Description: Angel is wearing a tight white top like the one underneath her jacket on #536 Get Nuts For Me. No jacket just the tight white top (spaghetti straps if possible) which really enhances her cleavage. I'm ok if there is a top (white still preferred) with short sleeves or sleeves that go to her elbows if it is a tighter fit which enhances cleavage. Looking for a tight top which really enhances her but has a soft look.
The skirt can be tight or slightly loose around the thighs just plenty short showing off her legs. Color is optional whatever you think goes best with the top. Just a very nice pretty skirt. A short dress is also totally ok. If you send some pictures to be sure that would be awesome!
Brown pantyhose and high heels! This will be sex through pantyhose which is really hot! Whatever color heels you think looks best with the outfit.
The Script: The scene opens with Angel at a store where she appears to steal a small item, such as a scarf, and stuffs it in her purse. The guy, who is also at the store, sees this and follows her out. They are in the parking lot when he stops her, says he is with the store (he is really not) and he saw what she did. (If it is easier to do the scene can open with the guy following Angel in a parking lot)
Format: MP4
Duration: 23 Min
Size: 3328 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160
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