Title: Temptress Kate, Ariel Anderssen, Zoe Page (VID0447, 4K Version)
Description: The events surrounding Kate's disappearence made it clear that there was an enemy agent at work inside Honest Omar's slave auction house. Who was it? Suspicions centre on Ariel, whose attitude since her most recent trip to the "Adjustment parlour" has been far too compliant, given her history. And who was running the rival organisation? Kate had a proposal for Omar. They would set a trap, bait it with a hot new slavegirl prospect ripe for taking and training, and see if they could trick Ariel and her shadowy accomplice into giving themselves away!
Kate sets up the team, then makes the phone call to the snatch team, perfectly aware that Ariel has secreted herself away behind the curtains and is listening in. As soon as Kate leaves the room to organise the snatch, Ariel is out of hiding and onto the phone to her rival contact. They will snatch the new prospect right from under the noses of the Honest Omar team!
The door slams open as Kate strides back into the room. Ariel, naked except for her cuffs and collar, tries to bluff with Omar's head slave trainer, but the phone in her hand is an undeniable betrayal.
me all you like" claims the slim blonde. "You won't make me talk!"
Format: MP4
Duration: 32 Min
Size: 2335 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160
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