Title: September 27, 2019 - Seth Gamble, Ashley Lane, Vanessa Sky/Family First: Cucked Slut Signs It Away for Her Step-Brother's Cock
Description: Ashley Lane is a sexy blonde step-sister whore to step-brother Seth Gamble, but she's also stubborn and wants things her way. She refuses to help Seth sell their ****hood home. Seth gives her time to think about it, but all Ashley actually wants is his cock back in her life. Ashley has never found another master as good as her step-brother when they used to play back in the day, and she's determined to keep the house as a ploy to hold their relationship intact. Seth's fiance Vanessa Sky demands that Seth convince Ashley that they need to sell while the market is hot. Ashley takes the opportunity to make an outright pass at Seth and refuses to sign away the house until he is her master again. Her unruly behavior awakens the sadistic sex monster in Seth and he takes Ashley down brutally. She is thrown on her knees, made to suck his cock, then has her own panties tied into her mouth while he shocks her with a zapper. Still refusing to sign, Ashley is tied into a painful semenawa shibari position, making her vulnerable to a heavy beating with flogger, hand, and canes. Once Ashley's ivory skin is red with welts, Seth draws her up into a full suspension and pounds her brat pussy, hoping that orgasm denial will win the war. He fucks her tight cunt until her eyes cross and then leaves her hanging from the ropes. Riled up from his rekindled dominance, Seth isn't taking any shit from Vanessa when she lays into him for still not having the papers signed.
Format: MP4
Duration: 76 Min
Size: 2797 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
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