FooFoo wrote:ya know, it's funny that these obvious bastions of pure male grace and studly beauty would stoop to e-bashing a girl who gives them something to wack off too..esp since they are so Godlike in appearance that they are lurking in back shadow pron groups bashing cute girls. This is why you zit-nerds have never seen a woman naked in real life. I got some news for you suave he-man basement dwelling, living-at-moms-at-30 types...this IS what a woman looks like. Those plastic, bejeweled greek godess types are on the inernet for a reason...because they are fiction and plastic. If you see them in the light of day, without the four hour makeup session just to get naked pitures taken...they are as flawed and falable and as faulted as any woman out there. YOu have your opinions and thats fine, but at least have the common fuckin decency to recognize that the model who is being discussed is participating in the actual discussion and that being a complete cock-stain is not only rude, it's just fuckin stupid. So, If you can't say anything nice, just shut the fuck up, say thank you and be on your pud-pounding way....fuckin hero's....
Man, you guys must be just rolling in the pussy...LMAO
Kristen, I guess somebody should apologize for what pathetic drivel can come out of little boy's sorry and please, don't let the e-thugs keep you from gracing us...cuz I for one LIKE what you do and what you have to show us.
You do realise that real Kirsten is not posting on this board, right?