Rogue Trooper
Added: Oct 05, 2015 3:38 pm
kiluax wrote:
Amateur Collection Set 24
screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Pics: 24
Size: 8,61 MB 1800x2300


Pictures of this beautiful girl have been doing the rounds for several years... Almost always the same images. The pictures published by 'kiluax' in his 'Beautiful Amateur Girls Unique Softcore Full Sets' thread are only a subset of the available images, but uniquely, they include three shots that I have never seen before, one of which is the top right-hand sample picture above. I thought I'd seen all the available pictures of this girl, but this gives me new hope. I suspect she is just a random amateur, but does anyone know who she is, where the images were originally published, if there is more than one set of her or indeed, have what they believe to be a comprehensive set of her pictures? Any information would be very gratefully received!
Good Poster
Added: Nov 23, 2015 2:23 pm
The second from left top row shot is quite lovely... I had a set of her but quite a small set... never got the full version.
Love older videos - Trini Maytell, Cherie / Bambi / Tiffany Walker
Rogue Trooper
Added: Dec 06, 2015 8:40 pm
Thanks for the message lovetheslot. Like I said, she's been been around for a few years now and I thought I'd seen all the photographs until kiluax posted a small set that had a couple of pictures I'd never seen before. Hopefully someone will come up with some useful information... Now that I know there are pictures of her I haven't seen, I'd very much like to set my eyes on them!