Hi Nucky,
Thanks for showing your concern.
I try to explain more thoroughly what I did, and what my conclusions are.
First, I tried 2 different searches, and I expected a certain post to be included in both result sets.
Both searches used the same parameters, the default settings except for:
Exact Phrase instead of Search for all terms;
Forum: Teen Babes Pictures instead of All available
Search previous All Items instead of 2 Years.
Search 1: Keyword: 'Sasha' (without the single quotes), result: 136 matches, the oldest post being from 27 jan 2015.
Search 2: Keyword: '9.02', result 3 matches, the oldest post being from 8 feb 2014. The first lines of this post reads: -381- Sasha - 9.02. 2014. This is the post I expected in the first search result set (with keyword 'Sasha') as well.
Additionally to the previous two searches, I searched for keyword 'Sasha' in the Teen Babes Models Clips section, searching for All Items, both with setting 'Exact Phrase' as well as 'Search for all items'. Results in both cases: none.
A quick search in Google revealed a post dating 3 sept 2014 10:06 by Oronmaniak with first line reading: Sasha Summers - Sweet Sasha.
Now, when I changed the keyword to 'Sasha Summers' or 'Sweet Sasha', the post popped up in the result set. The idea came to mind that perhaps a single word search might result in a limited result set. To make sure, I repeated the very first search but instead for Sasha I searched for '381 Sasha'. The missing post turned up, thus confirming my assumption that a single word search results in a smaller result set.
So, you're probably right in it being a feature, but perhaps it is an undocumented one.
Is it possible for you to check this out? TIA!