anyone have vids from like h33p:// Or from like h33p://
Cant help w/the vidz sorry, but Myst just had a baby boy. Good for her, but sad for us as it would seem her career is over....and it just got started....damn!
As for the other girls, I think their age is questionable.
No, I just stumbled onto it from another board and forgot to bookmark it! But it showed pix of her and her husband w/big belly etc. Plus a lot of baby pix.
Now hang on a minute, I was under the impression she was single and moving in with her relatives or something. At least according to the modelfevers site. Something doesn't jibe here...
Well I'll be damned. Weird that there's no mention of this by their official organs of communication. I thought it odd that she was moving around so erratically recently, but nothing twigged as being due to pregnancy.
And isn't that MySpace page the epitome of white trash? Geez... I can barely look at that thing...
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