Since i am a lazy bastard and do not want to click too often i came up with this tweak:
The idea is to right click on a .rar or a .part file while it is downloading, choose a menu point, et voila, you have the content of the rar file on your disk.
This has been tested with windows 2000 and WinRar 3.70.
create a batch file (eg. a.bat or b.bat ...) and add the following lines
Code: |
@echo off
set target=%SYSTEMROOT%\preview.bat
echo @echo off > %target%
echo copy %%1 tmp.part >> %target%
echo "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" e -inul -kb tmp.part >> %target%
echo del tmp.part >> %target%
once done, run it. Go to your system folder (eg: c:\win, C:\WINNT or c:\WINDOWs) and open the file "preview.bat" in notepad. It should look like this:
Code: |
@echo off
copy %1 tmp.part
"C:\Programme\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" e -inul -kb tmp.part
del tmp.part
the line "C:\Programme\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" (Which might look different, if you are not on a german Windows) has to point to your winrar.exe file. Change it if necessary. If your path to winrar contains spaces make sure there are quotes around the whole thing as in the example above.
Next create a registry file (eg a.reg or b.reg ...) and add the following lines
Code: |
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="preview.bat \"%1\""
once done, run it and answer the dialog box with "Yes" or the like.
You should now see the menu point "Preview" when you do a right click on a rar or a part file. Using it only makes sense on a partially downloaded rarfile while download is still in progress. And it only works on the first file of a multipart rar set.
Any questions?