Respected VIP club member
Added: Jun 02, 2007 5:48 am
Okay I have what must be an easy question for some people -- yet I see no answers in this forum to this question anywhere, included MM's thread extraordinaire and all the topics in this part.

I have vids -- some WMV, some AVI, whatever -- and I want to only save a certain part of the vid.

Surely I'm not the only one who wants to do this????

So I thought, hey, maybe just split them into smaller pieces and then save only the piece(s) I wanted to. However, I then figured out that I've got nothing in or up my arsenal to do this! HjSplit -- or other splitters I've seen/tried -- only breaks it up into .001, .002, etc pieces, but they aren't watchable individually. Joiners of course don't do it. Windows MP doesn't do it, as far as I can tell, and neither does VLC.

Can anyone recommend some software to do this? Better yet, how about something free? Very Happy Or do I need to spend some money and get some sort of hi-tech video-editing software? Sad

Thanks Gentle-peoples. And if I'm missing something obvious, feel free to call me an idiot...

Retired Legend
Added: Jun 02, 2007 8:04 am

Ssvvintoo here.
For wmv I use AsfTools and I think I have mentioned that in MM's thread. That will redirect you to the actual page where ever it may be hosted at for the moment.
For avi I have rescently started to use Solveig.
There is a freeversion with limited functions but it does the job for splitting or breaking loose a segment of a vid.
For mpg HJ-split could be used with some manipulation since the format actually allows you to just remove the .xxx from the split and you will have a playable part.

A starting point for you.
Added: Jun 03, 2007 6:56 pm
A good free program for all kinds of video manipulation is virtualdubmod.
You can get it here:

Its a modification to virtualdub that allows you to use mpg in addition to avi files.

Not sure about splitting wmv. I use Canopus Procoder 2 for that, but its hard to come by and expensive to buy.