Very Respected Poster
Added: May 04, 2007 4:11 pm

i figure to be of reasonable sound mind, but i can't figure this one out...

can anybody figure this one out...?

it is obvious that one tells the number to the puzzle very early on... but it is the last step that throws me for a loop... is this just a computer game... and the numbers behind the door switch on mouse clicks...????

my brain is too fried... help!!

Added: May 04, 2007 5:29 pm
where is the problem?

first you choose a color, after that the program have 5 numbers that are possible.
2nd question just fake.
3rd in each house is one of the 5 numbers, so when you choose a house the program knows your number.
the rest are only fake questions. don't care what you choose, the program knows your number already.
last, if put your number behind every door, what ever you open it shows the number it already knows. (just fake too)
Very Respected Poster
Added: May 05, 2007 4:28 pm
thank you very much for the solution...

see... i didn't know it is a program... i was thinking someone might be able to do this "live" using index cards...

but i assume that whatever door you click on, in the end, the program puts your number "behind" that door. so it doesn't amtter which door one clicks on...

thanks again,
