noshit wrote:I think most of the trouble stems from the lies and misrepresenting of the webmaster posting ages. I'm sure there are girls that are every bit of 18 that are being represented as < <CENSORED> >, just to attract that clientele.
I remember before the Credit card companies went crazy and would no longer work with the < <CENSORED> > model sites, a whole bunch of those 14-16 year old girls were "Now over 18" models in just a few weeks. Girls like Venetia, who has had a least 3 or 4 names since the start, has surely been around for 5 years or more. I remember her a long time ago, and I think she stayed 14 for probably at least 3 years, LOL!
I don't know why people just don't shut up about these models ages, just because they put an age on a website doesn't make it true.
I can think of a specific site with a pair of sisters that when the site opened, one was purported to be about 3 years older then the other, and by the looks, that appeared to look about right. Now as the years have worn on, they've suddenly become roughly 12-14 months a part, and the models don't help the matter either.
The only thing I can see that would help would be that every model would have to have her Birth Certificate Certified and published on the website in question, then everyone would know for sure, and everyone wouldn't have to feel the need to always post the < <CENSORED> > question, and be the Watchdog for everyone else.
You´re so right, i also hate this discussion about the age. I mean ok these site from russia etc. you can´t be sure what ages the models have, but if a model comes from germany etc. and the webmaster also and he´s writing on the homepage that the model is 15 or so then you can be sure that this is a fake and the model is 18 or higher. Maybe NN but if the model shows her tits you can be sure that the age-thing is a fake...