Crafty1 wrote:
I'm sure that's probably what I'll have to do. I was just letting my mind wander and I started thinking....... man that would be great if I could just upload a girls folder with all her stuff from that site.
A method I have used is to make one folder for a girls pics and one for her vids.
In pic post give the link to the pic folder and in vid clips the one to the vids.
Xref between the posts so it's easy to find both if wanted.
In your case it might should be a site and year folder rather than just one girl.
Depends of course on the material what is best.
Only you can decide how to sort it.
Heres a sample of my setup for posting folders both in pic and vid.
My first folder post.
If you just dump pics and vids in the same folder I would say you have to name the files in such a way that it's easy to determine pics or vids.
With "have to" I mean for the benefit of the downloader it should be given filenames that are easy to understand.
(Sounds like a lot of extra unnecessery job.)
At the end of the day it's your decision which method you choose.
But I recommend whichever method you use create two posts with crossreferences.
I know the rules talks about doubleposting but it's not applicable on this type of posting.
It's a service to the downloaders.
Come to think about another possible scenario.
You have a full vid with a few pics (10-20 maybee) that are from the photoshoot of the vid then bundle them in a rar/zip and post them in the vid section, mentioning there are some pics aswell.
Works of course the other way around too.
A fullset of pics and a sample type of vid.
Bundle and post in pic post.
(Just checked the thread and saw Deity said the same as the last paragraf, just in fewer words. Ain't I a real Filliebuster.
/svinto [URL=]