Added: Jan 02, 2014 3:27 am
Subject: French classic movies ?
Hello I have much to say .. I am looking for a movie from the 90's I think .. French!
I remember parts of the movie how nothing but that ..
The film at first lady stuck vehicle on the way to the garage and then gets sex from the guy in the garage
From there she takes it to the studio or is it a shop where she runs an agency for women ..
There are several other participants in the film
I am looking for the player
There is also a player there with a mustache he plays the husband of the woman ..
Does anyone have ionized
Name of player?
Overall the film five players, three women and two men, one of them with a mustache.
She calls it a film called Jean
That's every French porn flick made in the decade. A guy with a mustache who's the husband of a woman? Dead giveaway.
Deux belles garces ?
Carmelo Petix owns a garage. He has daydreams about his secretary doing striptease acts and the like. He also has two daughters who are interested only in getting inside the overalls of his three mechanics. The mechanics also use sex to placate dissatisfied customers and as an extra service - Joy Karin's being DP'd on the office desk by Joey Silvera and Alain L'Yle and Joey deals with the complaints of Sherazade. Finally Carmelo drives off with his secretary, leaving the garage (and the mechanics) in the tender care of his two daughters.
This film is from the 80th or the 90th ..
There is also orgy ..
The girl is the director of a women's clothing store and a guy came to help her work
Then have an orgy with all the management of the store
It is safe to French
I think that you should find a better place for this question than this. Maybe some blog with old movies where people are ripping VHS etc... It will take some time but remember: seek and you shall find.