I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 11, 2013 2:07 pm
I believe many users stand on the sidelines and don't get in the posting game because they don't know how. I hope this clarifies the process and helps. If the Admins / Mods like this, I'd like to ask that it be made a Sticky and placed in a section where it would be most visible.


You have a gallery of screen captures, or more simply, a single preview pic that you want to post. Here's how to post a gallery of multiple pics.

The process involves uploading the pics to an imagehost where they are stored. You then copy their location info into a post so everyone can access them. There are many available imagehosts, but I'll use imgbox as my example because it's one of the newer hosts and has a clean, simple and straightforward design.

- Open imgbox and click "Select Files"

- Open the gallery folder on your PC to be uploaded and press <CTRL-LEFT CLICK> to select individual pics. Press <CTRL-A> to select all the pics then if you want to exclude some, press <CTRL-LEFT CLICK> to de-select them.

- Click "Open" to pass them to imgbox.

- Select "Adult Content" for Content Type.

- Select "300x300 resized" for Thumbnail Size. This size fits 3 pics nicely in a row. These values can be set as defaults in the Settings tab.

- Accept the Gallery Option as "Create a New Gallery" and tab to Enter A Gallery Name. I name uploads as SITE - NAME which helps to keep track of what I have uploaded. If you make subsequent uploads, you can use the "Add To Existing Gallery" option.

- After the upload is complete, the pics are displayed with their codes above them. Click on those under "BB-CODE".

- Click "Copy" or <CTRL-C> to copy the codes.

- Go to the new post and <RIGHT CLICK-PASTE> or <CTRL-V> to copy the links into the post. You're done - Very Happy
You know "that look" women get when they want sex? Me neither! -- Steve Martin  Smile
Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jul 11, 2013 7:57 pm
magnara wrote:
I believe many users stand on the sidelines and don't get in the posting game because they don't know how.

... because they don't want to ... Laughing Laughing