Joyce Model is the first website for Olivia Brabcova also known as Olyfka -
Olivia Brabcova - born:November 15, 1985
Sweet Joyce opened in 2006 - Olivia was 21-22 years old during these pics.
18 picture sets were done before the site closed in 2007 - 17 sets and a bonus set.
I was a member before the website closed .
If someone can give me a good place to upload my Rar sets that is faster and more reliable than Rapidshare , I will get to it . I just don't have the time to re-up them on rapidshare again after they were deleted. Even with my premium account it takes to long to re-up . I do have a life outside of net porn , so it might take a couple of weeks before I get them posted again.
I will post the first picture of each set just to give you an idea of how amateur the photo sets are . I love the sets starting with set 13 were they clearly try to hide a pimple on her forehead above her left eyebrow and scars on the bottom side of her right arm .