Hey everyone I'm new. I didn't see a help section so I decided that this is the place. When I read all the rules I saw this one:
"2.6 Very small uploaded files and excessively large images posted on the site can be very annoying to other members. Do not post a complete site-rip in a single post. Try to limit your post to 2 videos (plus previews) or 2 picsets (plus previews) in one post. Try to keep uploaded files posted here to at least 10MB for video files and at least 25 images in picture files. Similarly very large images posted on the site can be irritating to other members. They can take a long time to load when viewing a thread and are often difficult to see if they are too large to be contained on a monitor screen. Try to keep the images you post at the site to no more than 750 pixels wide and 1300 pixels high and a maximum image weight of 500 KB (= 0.5 MB). Better still post thumbnails. Images in signatures should be no more than 650 pixels wide by 170 pixels high. Avatars must not exceed 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high."
The thing that concerns me is this one:
"Try to keep the images you post at the site to no more than 750 pixels wide and 1300 pixels high and a maximum image weight of 500 KB (= 0.5 MB)."
So my problem is that my thread looks better with the full images ( direct images.. no clicking no annoying spam windows from the imagehosts ) because they can see the picture better and not have to click it. And the images' size is 1120x1038. As you can see it fits the highness but not the wideness

. My imagehost is fastpic. I didn't see it in the recommended hosts but it wasn't permitted too so I guess it is legal.
My question is can I use those pictures? I read "try to keep" so I thought I can use the images as they are not that big in size (250kb at max). And one last thing I previewed my post and it didn't go out of the bounds of the post. It fitted perfectly. So please tell me if that is possible or I should put some smaller thumbnails

. Thank you in advance!