elpulga wrote:Zanyx wrote:Threads reported by you moved to trash, thank you.
I didn't report any thread . i just asked why only me.
this forum look like homophobic forum

If a gay forum doesn't want straight stuff posted, are they heterophobic?
Are they??? Of course not! It's perfectly normal for them NOT to want that material on their site. Quite frankly, I would be surprised if they
did want it.
And if a NN forum didn't want nude stuff posted, you certainly wouldn't call them
nudephobic, right?
The fact that straight guys don't want to look at gay stuff is perfectly normal. Just as perfectly normal as a lesbian not wanting to give a dude a blow job!

I imagine most lesbians would find such a mouthful both gross and disgusting, and I wouldn't blame them one bit.
Lesbian stuff is of course quite a different matter. While most of us wouldn't want to see Janet Reno and Rosie O'Donnell going at it, we do enjoy seeing two hot chicks pleasuring each other for the simple fact that hot chicks doing ANYTHING is hot!

Well, other than crushing little animals that is.
Honestly, I wouldn't care if the forum opened up a special gay section even though there are plenty of
gay porn forums out there. Hmmm...On second thought, I'm not sure how I would moderate it with my eyes closed!