Elmo wrote:It's not the first time, but all images that are hosted on the forum's servers are missing today. No reason to panic yet though.
A couple of years ago, we had a bad server crash and lost most of the hosted images. A few months later, we had another crash, but most of the images were recovered.
Let's hope the problem today is more like the 2nd one.
That's why I started using a different picture host then (http://pix.nofrag.com/) and guess what, last 12 hours I get the message:
http://pix.nofrag.com/ wrote:Serveur en maintenance
Le serveur est actuellement en maintenance, veuillez nous excuser pour la gene occasionee. Retour prevu dans la journee.
And I really don't "veuillez excuser" those French for "gene occasionee", I want them to "Retour" those pics and fast damnit. Merde I mean.
Stupid computers, stupid internet, stupid hosts...