Here is what truly bothers me about my husband. It is his choice of porn. He prefers the "Teen" porn. I asked him why he wants to watch young girls before, and he just says "Why not?" Once I made the mistake of asking my husband if he ever thought about younger girls when we were making love. He admitted that yes, he does (as many men do fantasize about others during sex) but what really creeped me out was what he said next. He said sometimes when we are having sex, he imagines me when I was a teenager. WHY DOES THAT BOTHER ME SO MUCH? And why in the hell does he have to do that? It makes me feel like he can't get off with me unless he pretends I'm young and virginal. This really bothers me.
I actually woke up this morning to find him online d/ling teen porn. I saw some of the porn that really bothered me. The teen stuff he normally gets is the "Barely legal" 18/19 y/o's, which doesn't bother me that much. But a series of pictures he was getting called "Teenfuns" was what he was getting, and it disturbed me. These pics are of course LEGAL girls, but they all look like they are 14/15 y/o's. THAT DISTURBS ME. I am highly disgusted by any man that wants to have sex with a YOUNG teenager. I think it's wrong, and also, if you have read my other post "disturbed by husband's past" in the general relationship forum, you'll see another reason why this disturbs me so much.