Esteban wrote:Do you not have a television?
Well, I have, but I don't use it so often...
...I prefer the net...
But actually it's broadcasted every day, so I found out when and watched an episode.
Esteban wrote:In your sig she is (I presume) singing her theme tune bing bang. Although those words are definitely the wrong lyrics
The words are definitly wrong. I found out: In fact she's saying:
"a cake"
and the song is called
"cooking by the book".
Watch it there:
Esteban wrote:I have two nieces and they are glued to this program whenever it comes on. Actually I watch it with them most of the time. Its all about getting k_ids into healthy eating and away from junk food. Your sig is Stephanie (the star) from that program.
OK, I got this impression watching it, too. Making publicity for healthy food is alrgight!
Also, Stephanie has some really good body-control!
In another forum*,
Manifested wrote:I tried watching it and its one of those shows that are way to surreal to be understood by anyone not on drugs or over 6 years old.
I like absurdity. Try to get some drugs next time...
So OK, the whole thing seems to be alright an I keep it.
(I wouldn't use it anymore if the show was too pathetic or ridiculous or too commercial or so.)
*in that other forum (actually about philosophy...) there's also another gif animation posted with another sequence, but the same words, exept "yeah" was replaced by "me!". But probably that would be to offensive to post it here....