Zoey Holloway
Give it to your Girlfriends Hot Mom
I know my daughter and her new boyfriend she met in college this semester fool around. I would expect that given their age and how crazy their hormones must be right now. She knows I approve of her sexual expression so long as it is done someplace other than my home. I am proud to know she practices safe sex, always with a draincoat, you know, those funny looking rubber things that catch the drops and glops from an ejaculating cock. As open as we are about sex in our family I just don't want to hear my daughter moaning and groaning in my house. The thought of hearing her sex noises skeeves me out. You can imagine my surprise when I'm putting her laundry away and find her naked boyfriend in her bed. She passed me in the hall in quite the hurry saying she was on her way to the store. Now that I see this young naked guy I understand what was about to happen under my own roof! Hmmm, so how can I prevent this hormone driven coupling from happening?
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