tommmy wrote:Depends on the webmaster / photographer.
They can set up a deal, of 50/50 with the model on a website. Or simply pay them xx$ per hour and none of the profits from the website. Or somewhere in between.
Like most things its usually negotiated and/or varies with webmasters.
Of all, Tommmy's explanation is more dead on....................
Bulk payment for ___ sets would clearly explain why some (Little Summer, Little April, etc) do their 50-60 and go away, by the same token, it also explains how some (SweetPaige/Ljuba, Nastya18, etc) do stuff or have diff sites, with diff webmasters all @ the same time.
Course if you follow a models sets and watch their hair color, braces on 1set, then none the next, etc...its obvious these are taken well in advance or especially in Kristina Fey's case pussy hair then no pussy hair on the next released set (it takes long time for that to grow back)....These are taken well in advance and released as webmasters see fit.
I still believe that when a new "1 time" girl comes out, she's already finished and taken her$ and quit, while the sets/vids are in the hole waiting to be released.
I do believe those that stick Kates Playground, Tawnee, etc have a more lucrative, split profit kinda deal over the long term.
This is an interesting question Iv always wondered about...........