I'm probably spamming
Added: Sep 24, 2006 2:07 am
Anyone have any idea how much money girls from top, single model sites(talking your Laura Nubiles or Tawnee Stones...etc)make from the "work" they do?? I mean, are they setting themselves up for early "retirement" or are they on food stamps within years after they stop posing?? If they need a union rep, I can provide my digits... Very Happy
Added: Sep 25, 2006 3:20 am
Depends on the webmaster / photographer.

They can set up a deal, of 50/50 with the model on a website. Or simply pay them xx$ per hour and none of the profits from the website. Or somewhere in between.

Like most things its usually negotiated and/or varies with webmasters.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Sep 25, 2006 5:36 am
I think a lot of models are paid in "incentives." For example, a friend of mine, who "knows" Alison of FTV claims she was recently given a 350z convertible by her production company. Other than that, she's your average college-age girl who makes enough to live in an apartment but not enough to buy a house.

I travelled around with a "small-time" photographer from Munich to Prague in 2001 for a while. We'd meet women in clubs on the weekends. They didn't offer to tell him their ages and he didn't ask. He'd pay them all $100 plus all the cocaine they could snort. He got the drugs for very little money, and he'd sell his photos for about $1000 a gallery. He made enough money to travel for a living, while paying the models very little.

If you read up on the famous photographers, many of them pay very little, and believe that women should feel honored to work with them.

I know many "small-time" photographers through my girlfriend, who models locally for various department stores and advertisements. The 10 or so photographers I've spoken to say that a girl who has never done nude modeling before is typically offered anywhere between $1000 and $2000 to "make the big step" to doing nudes. After that they usually earn around $500-$1000 per shoot, provided the photographer knows he has a market for what he is selling. But those prices are all in USD, and are for women who don't work for a photographer who is affiliated with a specific website. I'm not sure what the well-known ones make.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 25, 2006 7:21 am
tommmy wrote:
Depends on the webmaster / photographer.

They can set up a deal, of 50/50 with the model on a website. Or simply pay them xx$ per hour and none of the profits from the website. Or somewhere in between.

Like most things its usually negotiated and/or varies with webmasters.

Of all, Tommmy's explanation is more dead on....................

Bulk payment for ___ sets would clearly explain why some (Little Summer, Little April, etc) do their 50-60 and go away, by the same token, it also explains how some (SweetPaige/Ljuba, Nastya18, etc) do stuff or have diff sites, with diff webmasters all @ the same time.
Course if you follow a models sets and watch their hair color, braces on 1set, then none the next, etc...its obvious these are taken well in advance or especially in Kristina Fey's case pussy hair then no pussy hair on the next released set (it takes long time for that to grow back)....These are taken well in advance and released as webmasters see fit.
I still believe that when a new "1 time" girl comes out, she's already finished and taken her$ and quit, while the sets/vids are in the hole waiting to be released.

I do believe those that stick Kates Playground, Tawnee, etc have a more lucrative, split profit kinda deal over the long term.

This is an interesting question Iv always wondered about...........

Added: Sep 26, 2006 3:03 am
At the top of the home page of DevModels it says something like "to discuss custom shoots with our models, please contact the webmaster"...out of curiosity (and possibly seriously) I e-mailed the webmaster, enquiring about whether Olya (SweetDolls) or Alla (Dayanna) were available for a custom shoot, and if so, what are the rates...
No answer after 5 days...
The pics of Olya on DevModels are all clearly a couple of years old, as she is noticibly younger than in her Shanadreams shoots. But the DevModel stuff was released just this August. The pics of Alla/Dyanna appear to be of her young as well, at least 2 years old...
All this just serves to prove the above claim that pics are held for YEARS before release...
I still hope to get in touch with either model, to find out if they are still working, and if possible, to comission a "custom shoot"....wish me luck! Wink
Good Poster
Added: Sep 26, 2006 7:03 am
About 10 years ago I worked as a journalist for a publishing house here in Australia that produced the Australian version of Playboy and FHM. The magazines that I worked on used the same staff-photographer who told me that in general most models are paid per shoot, the more renown ones also being paid a retainer by Playboy or the publishing house. One-off shoots of 'unknown' models are often shot and held in 'limbo' for a while, the model only being paid if the shots are published. Don't know how the www works its wonders, but guess it wouldn't be too dissimiliar. The models were also given a lot of perks and freebies - one girl got to keep a $5000 mountain bike for instance.

The photographer used to have us in stitches with his tales of 'desperate models' doing just about anything to get in the mag!!! Rolling Eyes
I'm probably spamming
Added: Sep 27, 2006 12:36 am
I know that in Australia, soft porn FHM etc don't pay unless it's a celebrity. Penthouse pay $5,000 (centerfold girl only)

Porn stars here get paid very little, $3-4,000 for a full day shoot.(several scenes.

Alex from Alsscan was looking at shooting over here and all he pays $2,500USD per shoot which can take all day.