I created a topic in the section "TEEN BABES VIDEOS" -
for which reason it was moved to the section "GENERAL PORN"? I didn't understand what happened ...
I started this thread twice, but didn't suit the different moderators Number of videos in one post - the first moderator asked the first four videos in the post and deleted my topic (and then he corrected his post and wrote two video in the post - he apologized, but the topic has not returned)! I created a topic with four videos in one post, but the second moderator asked the two videos in a one post, and deleted my topic. I created a topic with two videos in three posts - this topic is deleted as a moderator asked for five posts with two video! I did so, but now my topic was moved to another section ... Someone can explain to me why the moderators require different rules, and why my topic was moved to another section, if on my topic should be in the section "Teens ..."?
Who Does anyone have an answer?