JB Wannabe wrote:Every rapidgator link I have posted has been deleted. The duplicates are still in my account, however. Some of the stuff I posted there is no way anyone sent in a DMCA notice since some of the sites are completely defunct and have been for 10 years!
Right up until the end of Oron, 99% of my Oron links still worked and had never been replaced. So WTF!
I'm just glad I never wasted any money on RG.
It's because you have a free account.
They delete the files in 30 days after the last download. And many times before that!
But as Premium account RG works like Oron. The files are deleted only if you receive a DMCA or if you delete them.
For while, I had no problems here! All my files are working fine!
I agree... Oron always was much better!