Feanor26 wrote:This is not only about wanting the topless set!
i dont understand this rules! there are thousands of pics in the amateur section with girls who didnt know about that their pics are in this forum! THIS is < <CENSORED> > and a crime! but pics of a dressed girl who got paid for it? dont be stupid!
It's not a copyright issue. Pictures of other models have been posted and webmasters have requested they be taken down, and the Mods did so.
It's a AGE matter.
Read what jessifan said.
Quote: according to all the info available to the moderators, she's still not of age
By "not of age" that means she's not 18. And pictures of models under 18 are NOT ALLOWED on this site.
That's the rule. It's not a difficult rule to understand.
As far as under 18's in the amatuer forum go, i've seen pictures deleted because the material was questionable. But because it's amateur it's near impossible for the Mods to know whether the person in the picture is under 18 or not.
Florence is a different matter though because they have the info on her.
Under 18 is not allowed. If you think there are amatuer pics breaching that rule in the amateur forum, drop a note to a Mod.