I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 02, 2005 1:41 pm
i think this is karina
I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 16, 2005 6:36 am
you mean this kind of sets?

contact me at i also have yahoo messenger
I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 30, 2005 7:48 pm
withdrawn Embarassed
Added: May 02, 2005 4:20 am
Thank you for a really super great BBS link! I will check it out in much detail tonight! I have been looking for months and months for URLs to junior model FORUMS or BBS message boards. They are such a rare find. I thought they were all gone. Please if you or anyone knows of anyother great URLs to junior model FORUMS or BBS sites please post them.

Also, please make sure to check out the JUNIOR MISS winners for April and May 2005 at the NON-NUDE Forum at this site TeenFuns! Every month I post the best 12 pictures of the new Junior Miss of the Month.

Respected Poster
Added: May 02, 2005 6:05 am
The Hard Virgins link from Klass has the "byte verify" virus. Keep away from that one.
Added: May 02, 2005 6:26 am
How can you be sure when clicking on a link that you will not get a virus?
Do you get that virus just by simply clicking on the link, or from an infected photo inside. I would be extremely hesitant to trust ANY link from a similar site. What precautions do you reccommend?
Respected Poster
Added: May 02, 2005 4:34 pm
If your anti-virus program has auto-protect it should warn you before opening the page.

Still, if it does warn you of the viruses for which you do have definitions, there's always a danger it also has viruses for which you don't have any protection at all. That's why I avoid sites like that, if they have any virus at all, and I also tend to avoid the ones that link to them.
Respected Poster
Added: May 03, 2005 1:32 am
What's all the fuss about here.

These girls are average at best.

Razz Razz Razz
Added: May 03, 2005 3:35 am
I did not know you could get a virus just by visiting a site. That site appeared to be a MAJOR reputable site. How could one tell which sites to avoid. You stated you avoid sites like THAT Ciggy....what signals you that a site is better left alone and avoided. I have NORTON SECURITY 2004 with XP Pro SP2, I also have active X disabled for extra security.
I will never again visit that site. This is a very important issue, please go into as much detail as you have time for.
Respected Poster
Added: May 03, 2005 11:31 am
dennisa6, just make sure you have auto-protect "on" and use a real browser like Firefox instead of IE. If you get a virus warning, let it be a warning and avoid any sites associated with whatever page brought up the warning.
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 03, 2005 10:14 pm
my apologies fellow posters i am no expert in these matters(understatement) i will remove link forthwith Embarassed
Added: May 03, 2005 11:35 pm
Pardon me for going off-topic....but......
I have noticed that FireFox is approaching a 10% share of the browser market---which is a phenomonal accomplishment!!! That is the CHIEF reason that Internet Explorer is rushing out it's version 7.0 later this year, rather than bundling it with the new "Longhorn" Operating System due in late 2006/early 2007---as previously planned...

It is my gut feeling, and I am only making an educated guess, but I believe that as FireFox becomes more and more popular, it will be hit HARD by hackers/virus writers. Internet Explorer has security problems not because it is an inferior browser but because it is a POPULAR browser. That makes it a big target for so many attacks. Those hackers/virus writers want the most BANG for their time and effortsl. They want the greatest return and PUBLICITY for their mischievious/destructive stunts.
I can certaintly believe that FireFox will suffer the same level of attacks eventually. No matter how many experts/professionals work on a computer software product, in the millions and millions of people that use it, their will be a small group that can find holes and exploit them.

I guess that is why I am hanging onto Internet Explorer. If a full year goes by and FireFox is still proven to be more secure than IE...Then I will DEFINITELY make the switch!!!
I'm probably spamming
Added: Feb 19, 2007 1:53 am
I know I'm waking up a very old thread, but I had a comment on this. I learned something from this thread. I was a member of a long time ago. There were some very explicit pictures of Karina on the site then. I emailed the webmaster and expressed concern about being a member and he emailed me back reassuring me that the site was completely legal. According to the front page of, Karina is 20 years old right now. That is not likely since I was a member of youngice almost ten years ago.

Assuming the site and models are Russian, the webmaster was technically correct if Karina was 14 at the time, since it was then legal in Russia for girls that age to appear nude, no matter how explicit. However, the site was very much not legal in the US if she was that age. I think Karina must be at least 24 now or maybe 25.
Added: Mar 21, 2007 2:40 pm
I've clicked on the links but haven't found any pictures of icegirls.
Could anyone pm me with links or information where I can find out more about Natalie or other youngice girls? (preferably from days past)
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 27, 2007 9:16 am
Natalie left Icemembers over two years ago. She was always the least revealing of the main models there. Maybe she wasn't willing to do the more explicit shots Amelia and Karina are now doing. Maybe she went off to have babies. Elisha did just that and has recently returned with a much changed, but apparently natural, bust size.
The last set released was shot on the beach wearing a red and white bikini, although she did a few more studio sets shortly afterwards revealing the sunburn she suffered that day on the beach.