Good Poster
Added: Oct 19, 2011 3:01 pm
Does anyone know the real name of Fuckable lola aka Shiny Lola

All I know is that she is Canadian...
any info will be helpful..

Alicia Casiraghi- my latest fantasy
Respected Poster
Added: Oct 20, 2011 7:11 pm
well, I hate to shoot down a request but even if I did know her real name, your post sounds creepy.
Once her real name is out there, stalkers can track her down.
Good Poster
Added: Oct 21, 2011 3:12 pm
andreww770 wrote:
well, I hate to shoot down a request but even if I did know her real name, your post sounds creepy.
Once her real name is out there, stalkers can track her down.

Thanks bro...i fully understand what u mean but there is a vast difference between stalkers and fans
A lot of starlets and pornstars have got they fan pages and facebook,twitter pages online and interact with they fans.

I myself hav interacted with autumn riley, Veronika Vesela (gigi lightspeed) and Dorina Groh

Anyway thanks again
Alicia Casiraghi- my latest fantasy