agnomenamedgrimblekrumble wrote:How the hell did you get that pic sooo fast, Jappen? It just happened yesterday, and was in this morning's papers! I refuse to believe that you do not live in New York! Fuck, I betcha your the dude that just moved in down the street!
While I am here, I am making a request of EVERY member of this great forum to pm Master Oobooloo and tell him the reasons why he shouldn't leave! Like Ahhhnold says, Do it! DO IT NOW!!!!
Hehe, tha Mister Gnome thinks all news travel to NY first for distribution? And about the dude down the street, you can never be too careful Gnome. Even if you aint paranoid, there still might be someone stalking you...
Like Gov Ahhhnold says; Don´t be a girlyman. Ooboo, come back. You still owe us the one vid and you damn sure know which one....