Respected Poster
Added: Jun 05, 2006 9:21 pm
Hi, in the big picture of life, it doesn't really matter but I'll be less active until June 22nd, right arm is in a cast from shoulder to end of fingers. No more oil in the elbow joint and it needs to be immobilized.

and it sucks to surf/mouse with left hand when you're a rightie.

take care all Embarassed Confused
Senior VIP club member
Added: Jun 05, 2006 10:55 pm
I understand Ubi

I have seen many cases of people wanking to much and losing the mobility in their elbow and wrist joints.

I think we all understand your problem.

get well soon
Retired Legend
Added: Jun 05, 2006 11:26 pm
sir_darkstar wrote:
I have seen many cases of people wanking to much and losing the mobility in their elbow and wrist joints.

I think we all understand your problem.

LoL at sir_darkstar.

Let this serve as a lesson to all the pron aficionados. Wink

Get well soon, mate.
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 05, 2006 11:30 pm
Wow... Ubi, you've taken dedication to a whole new level. Laughing

Take it easy Ubi and get well. Cool

Good Poster
Added: Jun 05, 2006 11:56 pm
Damn Ubi, that's too bad, hope you can still hit the DL key....

Say, can you duct tape one of those portable battery operated artificial vaginas [translation - Pocket Pussy ] to your cast maybe? Cool
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2006 1:09 am
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2006 4:54 am
Be well, ubisuck, and don't let the illegitimi carborundum, if you catch my drift Very Happy
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2006 5:12 am
...and I though blindness was the only thing that could go wrong.

Hang in there Ubi! Anything I can dl for you?
I don't need no friggin' sig.
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2006 10:18 am
funslover wrote:
...and I though blindness was the only thing that could go wrong.

Hang in there Ubi! Anything I can dl for you?

Thx guys, @sir_darkstar, I had no idea I would shoot myself in the foot like this Wink

good one.

@funslover: any new Uma sets out yet? GET THEM Shocked

to the others: Love u guys, in a non-sexual way of course Rolling Eyes Wink

ps: suckz typing with left-index finger only Confused

@abraxas, are the private sets OK?
Retired Legend
Added: Jun 06, 2006 10:54 am
maybe we can send a tasty slideshow avery couple of days...
Very Happy Cool
Respected VIP club member
Added: Jun 06, 2006 6:46 pm
Has it occured to anybody that if Ubi managed to get his arm in a cast, what must his poor dick look like?
Retired Legend
Added: Jun 06, 2006 7:37 pm
Elmo wrote:
if Ubi managed to get his arm in a cast, what must his poor dick look like?

I aint touching that one with a ten foot ummmm...mouse cable.

ubi, I thank you for the time and trouble. It was service above and beyond the call of booty!
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2006 7:58 pm
See you soon Ubi!
Get well soon Dude ... and continue than with your Quality Posts Very Happy

Edit :

Elmo wrote:
Has it occured to anybody that if Ubi managed to get his arm in a cast, what must his poor dick look like?

Yeah, thats what i´m asking myself,too Very Happy Very Happy Smile Laughing Wink
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 08, 2006 10:27 pm
Elmo wrote:
Has it occured to anybody that if Ubi managed to get his arm in a cast, what must his poor dick look like?

Oh, that's a CAST.
I was going to say . . . never mind.