Added: Jun 01, 2006 9:38 pm
I have downloaded movies from time to time only to find out I cant play them. Says Windows cant play them without knowing what program created them, Am then sent to a pagr that is supposed to help but it is of no help to me as it reads like greek.

I am not a all computer savvy so I need to be told what to do as if you were talking to a first grader. If someone could teach me how to play these movies, I will be very grateful.
Retired Legend
Added: Jun 01, 2006 11:30 pm
Shoot your computer. Else, shoot the guy who sold you your computer.
By the way, I`m Greek and I`ve been to that page and it all looks English to me!!

Anyway try to reset your computer`s file associations. You can install one of the apps below and when it asks if you want to reset file associations to the app you install, select Yes.

Media Player Classic
It is free and can be found here:

The file you want is named:

If you want a program that is not freeware but you want it for free, download this app, read the NFO file using Notepad, and follow the instructions on how to use a serial generated by the included keygenerator.

BS Player Pro

--- --- --- --- --- ---

You can obtain a package of free 'codecs' (code/decode video viewing software) here.

The pack you want is named:
K-Lite Codec Pack 2.72 Full, Standard and Basic - Update

If you want a codec pack that is not freeware but you want it for free, download this codec pack, run the keymaker, et voila.

DiVX Codec Create Pack retail:
Added: Jun 02, 2006 9:41 am
Thanks very much for the info. Will try to implement this weekend. Also ifI might offended anyone, I certainly did not mean to do so and I apologize.
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 02, 2006 10:18 am
...and in addition to what the Greek gentleman mister Abraxas said:
Most files are split and packed with one method or another, so if you have a file ending with...
* .rar of .zip: use winrar to unzip/unrar first.
* .001, .002, .003 etc: use HJjoin

And tho BS player has the best interface IMO it doesn't play al files smoothly, so I also use VLC a lot.
Retired Legend
Added: Jun 02, 2006 1:30 pm
I am not really Greek, I was just trying, albeit rather lamely, to display a sense of humor. Actually I`m an alien and so all of your human writing seems Greek to me!

As to what werf said, if that is your problem, i.e. you download a piece of a multi-part archive or file set, and then cant view the content, thats because you need the other parts to view the whole.
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 02, 2006 3:12 pm
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Guess what: I am really Dutch! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

"Dutch treat," meaning "no treat at all because each person pays his or her
own check." "Dutch treat" is a linguistic relic of a low point in relations
between England and The Netherlands. Back in the 17th century, when both
countries were building their global empires, their intense rivalry found an
outlet in a wide range of popular sayings invented by each country to insult
the other. Since we are primarily an English-speaking culture, the few
phrases that have survived are, inevitably, those disparaging the Dutch, but
even those are rarely heard today.

According to Hugh Rawson, who explores such topics at length in his
wonderful book "Wicked Words" (Crown Publishers), many of the English
anti-Dutch terms became popular in the U.S. because of confusion with the
word "Deutsch," or German, and were often applied to German immigrants. For
the connoisseurs of insults among us, Mr. Rawson lists more than two pages
of anti-Dutch slurs once popular.

Along with "Dutch treat," which originally implied "cheap," other insults
once popular included "Dutch courage" (liquor), "Dutch defense" (a retreat),
"Dutch headache" (a hangover), "Do a Dutch" (commit suicide), "Dutch
concert" (a drunken uproar), and "Dutch nightingale" (a frog, which seems an
especially low blow).

"Dutch treat" has long since lost its original sting, and today "pay your
own way" seems to be standard practice among those who date.

Retired Legend
Added: Jun 02, 2006 5:51 pm
Good advice guys Wink

also go here
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jun 05, 2006 12:11 am
Get the video player that plays everything (no codecs needed here!):
Added: Jun 05, 2006 12:20 am
techman wrote:
Get the video player that plays everything (no codecs needed here!):

Hoho , what a Mistake! Grab Codecs whenever u can ! VLC needs a good filled Pool for working!
somethings here:
Senior VIP club member
Added: Jun 05, 2006 12:35 am
You can also go here

where you will find some codec packs
whats there is all I use with Win Media player 10 and I have no troubles at all