Quote: Defiance
Armand Weston directed 1975's Defiance - "a sexually more frightening film (and much more explicit one) than Straw Dogs, or The Snake Pit or even Behind The Green Door," writes Bob Rimmer. "Caught sniffing dope by her religious mother, Kathy is first sent to the psychiatric ward of a hospital where she is ****d by the inmates and an attendant in a most brutally believable **** scene. "Rescued" by a doctor who is a follower of the Marquis de Sade, she is tortured until horrifyingly, in the Journey of O tradition, she begins to enjoy her pain, debasement and degradation. Worth owning to test your own reactions. Should the Marquis' writings be censored or do we dare to expose the insanity of his theories by openly showing tapes or movies like this? And whatever happened to Jean Jennings, who is a good actress?" (Guide #1, p.77)
Bill Margold had a different reaction to Defiance. "A pubescent piece currently attempting to expand zippers is blonde Jeane Jennings, star and primary orifice of Defiance. She has that "my clit is sugar-coated and if you lick it, you'll get cavities" look about her. "Defiance has that "I've seen most of this before and better" look, and while Jean gives an earnest performance, her writhings are wasted as the story sinks into sublit sexual depravity with synched in sighs and slurps. There is also a sextet-de-sucking scene as smiling Jean takes on a host of holes a la Green Door.