I might be wrong, but i think for this Downloading Program there are many PlugIns like Sexuploader .... etc.
Maybe some of our Russian Speaking Members can translate it for us, because SU could be usefull for me!
Credits goes to :Freddy (Whoever he is)
OK, so there are obvious problems when dealing with RapidShare, MegaUploader, and Sexuploader, but mostly problems with RapidShare because of the stupid 82 minutes between file downloads.
Now, there are a couple of different "hacks" that supposedly work, but most of them involve using proxies and stuff, which is not really good. Mostly because someone else has surely already used the proxy to do the same thing you're trying to do, so you will STILL have to wait forever, and may never be able to download anything at all ever.
So, I suggest using this tool (which I use myself): USDownloader, available here
http://www.dimonius.ru/dusd.php . You want to download the 1.3ish MB file that is towards the top of the list.
This tool does not allow you to bypass any of the wait times or anything. However, it will take all of the rapidshare links and download the files as soon as you are able. So, you can set it to download a bunch of files, then walk off or go to bed or whatever. It will automatically activate the download ticket, download it to a specified location, and then wait around until your 82 minutes is up, and then download the next file. You don't have to hang around and do it manually.
This works also for any SU and MU links, only since there are not such harsh time restrictions, it can get all of these files MUCH faster.
In the program options, there is an option to "watch clipboard for links". If you enable this, you can just right click on a RS, MU, or SU link and "copy link location", and it will automatically be added to your download list in USDownloader.
Very powerful tool. I suggest you use it!