This program is sweet as hell, it has the whole world mapped out by satellites & you can view shit from space, whats wild as hell is I found my house on here. I know Microsoft used to have something like this that was web based called Terra Server or something but this is a program you download & much better in my opinion
you'd be suprised at how much time you can waste just looking at shit from space , Lol you can waste a lot of time, I spent an hour looking for my house.
Also try
i want to give you mathematical positions of some interesting places on the world. if you write in the buton of "fly to" and then press search, you will fly there.
pyramids:29.9775882066, 31.1323911558
collesium, rome:41.8899790437,12.4926145913
big ben, london: 51.4985048394,-0.125002025465
alcatraz prison, san francisco: 37.8278438964,-122.422216064
nobody can see the big wall of the chine! they always say that the wall is the only man-making which can be seen from the space; but it was the biggest lie of the world!
Fancy making a flying Google earth movie?
Check this out:
yes, very nice... but how long before i can virtually stalk jessica alba?