Good Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 8:47 am
On some videos 100mb+ I split with HJ then upload. Most of the time there is no prob but on occasions rapidget says unable to upload, cannot find file etc... Someone advised me to use win rar or ultimate zip to upload so r/s cannot see the file details. Only problem is when I convert the second part of the file it joins with the first part making it over 100mb, therefore over the u/l limit set by r/s. Probably numpty me as I soon run out of talent on these things.

Retired Legend
Added: May 21, 2006 10:13 am
Hello, backfootbob. As you probably already know, a file reading 95MB in size while sitting on your drive is considered about 102MB on the site you`re sending to, due to funky Windows file size interpretation. So when you try to upload to Rapidshare and you get the 'cant find file' or whatever, it likely is meaning to suggest 'the file size is over our 100MB upload size limit'.

To properly use WinRAR, you dont merely 'pack' a file in an archive, you split the file. I`m sure I have read how to use WinRAR here on this board but in short:

1) right click the chosen file and choose Add to Archive.
2) select 'Compression Method' as Best.
3) below compression method is Split to Volumes, bytes. Manually enter the number 50,000,000.
4) give the file a name if you havent already done so, in the name space near the top of the window, and then click OK and its done. WinRAR will proceed to pack your file in multiple RAR files, each of which will be about 46MB in size.

If this helps resolve your problem, and if you want a copy of WinRAR that already is pre-licensed (its a Corporate copy of WinRAR 3.00 that doesnt require a serial or keygen) reply stating so and I will upload a copy to RS, it is a tiny app).
Respected Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 1:37 pm
Bob, I've had the same issue a number of times with HJSplit. It turns out that sometimes the file size is larger than it appears and exceeds RS's 100MB limit. Just alter the chunk size to be a little smaller than needed, which means a 199MB file may need to be split into 3 pieces instead of 2. If you UL multiple files at once then they will all die on you if 1 file exceeds the 100MB limit.

I don't know if that helped you any.

Added: May 21, 2006 2:37 pm
agree about winrar,
this prog splits the File in whatever u wish (filesize)
so you don't need HJ-Split!
HJ-Split is a Dinosaur from the Pre-Filehoster-Era , made for mini sized Email-attachments ...(i think so) Wink
Retired Legend
Added: May 21, 2006 4:46 pm
Hi, Proximer264. I agree, more people should use WinRAR.
Good Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 4:50 pm
Thankyou all for your replies and advice. Will upload smaller files in future. I was just trying to help r/s non members get files quicker with having to wait 60mins+ for d/l.