I'm probably spamming
Added: May 04, 2011 3:27 am
I once came across a pic of a girl in her early 20s holding a bottle of vodka between her tits. It appears that she is sitting on a bed, with a painted cinder block wall behind her. I think she is holding a Miller Lite can on one hand, and the bottle of Smirnoff is right in between her perky titties. It almost looks like the shot was taken in a college dorm room.

I swear I saw that pic on this site but cannot find it anywhere. Help! Thanks!
Respected VIP club member
Added: May 05, 2011 10:42 pm
could it be this?
screenshot screenshot

or maybe it wasn't vodka after all?
please help by visiting my request thread:
Arrow Who are these bunch of nice teens?