mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:mistermandingo wrote:werf wrote:Elmo wrote:Hmmm. Posted at 11:19am. That's a little early to be drinking...
Dont even bother replying here , I will be deleting this shit thread real soon MM, no JOKE!! you will < < < < CENSORED > > > > post count if you reply , WARNING stay out of my thread!!!!
This makes my Pee Pee Hard
Yup yup getin hard now

O Gawd yes this is doin it for me :_O
OoOOoooooo yayayyay gmnhhhhh>>.!!
MM has gone loco ?!?
And it seems so have the censor bots??
EG: < CENSORED > --- This is what got < CENSORED > = l.o.r.d.s
< CENSORED > good , thanks angelus71

this is what got < CENSORED > { L.o.o.k.s g.o.o.d. }
WTF ? Over , why did that get < CENSORED > ??
That is a Tread like I it likes
Should be like this :
That is a Tread like I it l.i.k.e.s.
mole wrote:mole wrote:Can someone investigate this please??? Is it just me or is the cen-sor bot on the fritz?
Try a post with the following words:
l-ooks, l-ikes, l-eechers, l-urkers, l-esbians. Fairly straightforward words but the cen-sor bot is censoring them...
It < < CENSORED > > < < CENSORED > > < < CENSORED > > and < < CENSORED > > < < CENSORED > > < < CENSORED > >.
Good, it is not just me
This is like an optical illusion. Inny or outy

No Mole , some one has placed new words in the censor bot program ?? But Why ?? WTF IS GOING ON OVER ??????????