Title: Bella Bird, Mistress Scarlet - The Cane And The Cock: Part 1 The Cane
Description: This is one of the most brutal canings Bella has ever experienced. Bella asked her Mistress, Mistress Scarlet, that she wanted a brutal caning for Christmas. Mistress Scarlet did not set a number of strokes but decided to continue to cane Bella until the skin was cut. Although the masochist in Bella wanted more caning, the clip store warehouses will not allow it.<\/p>
Bella removed her bra and panties and bent over the table. Mistress Scarlet administered in groups of 10, inspecting the bottom after each group. A full severe, hard caning of 50 strokes was administered, leaving Bella with a cut, swollen, painful bottom.<\/p>
There are photos and footage of Bella's bottom several days after her caning at the end.<\/p>
After her caning, Bella was so wet that she asked her Mistress for her cock. This hot clip can be seen here.<\/p>"
Format: MP4
Duration: 14 Min
Size: 532 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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