Title: Interviewing the new maid
Description: Housekeeper Ariel and spanking mistress Zoe are interviewing candidate Lucy Lauren for the position of maid
in the Master's household. She's done well at part one of the interview- obeying orders even when it results
in humiliating nakedness in front of others. Her actual maid skills are only just up to scratch, but Zoe likes
the fact the she just does what she's told very much.
Nose on the floor. Ass in the air... she obeys.
Time to mention the other parts of her duties. It's true that in the days she will be the maid. But in the
evening, she will be a sex slave. Lucy is horrified, excited and appalled all at the same time! How does that
make her feel, ask the interviewers? "Intrigued!" Lucy replies. Zoe tries to scare her with tales of anal sex
and hooks and punishments. "Whatever my master likes!" Lucy says. Ariel hands the interview over to Zoe for
sex slave training!
Lucy then gets stripped, locked in heavy steel handcuffs, made to present and parade herself, has to demonstrate
that she can take the kiss of the cane on her pert arse and across the sensitive soles of her pretty feet. Zoe
torments the maid's nipples, locks her in cuffs and spreader bars. Oh, yes, she has got the job, and she's starting
right now! The master will be home very soon, and Ariel and Zoe are going to present the new maid and sex slave
to him as he walks through the door!
Format: MP4
Duration: 23 Min
Size: 751 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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