Title: Maddy Marks, The Master - Hand me the Hairbrush - Maddy Spanked for Exposure
Description: I after a long painful hand Spanking, Maddy grudgingly obeys as she is instructed to hand him the hairbrush. The flat back of the wood hairbrush stings her poor bottom. Spanking from the top of her cheeks, to the tender flesh between, to the most painful swatch on her sit spots. Maddy clenches, crying out and kicking her feet up. Embarrassed and humiliated has her stepdad pulls her panties down to mid-thigh to continue her spanking. MADDY MARKS, REDHEAD, BUBBLE BUTT, OTK SPANKING, DOMESTIC DISCIPLINE, UPSKIRT, HAIRBRUSH SPANKING, THONG PANTIES, LONG LEGS, ATHLETIC
Format: MP4
Duration: 11 Min
Size: 331 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
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