Title: Lily Swann - Lilys Long Week with Daddy Pt 3
Description: Beautiful and difficult Lily Swan is sent to her estranged Daddy's place for a week of attitude adjustment. In the process, she is spanked, then spanked again, then spanked AGAIN with a hairbrush, then cornered, then strapped, then hairbrush spanked, then cornered, then hairbrush spanked, then cornered, then hairbrush spanked, then cornered, then hairbrush spanked, then cornered, then **** to do hundreds of butt exercises, then spanked again nude, then cropped nude, then finally paddled hard. A very sore Lily, too sore to sit down, then has to call her mom and apologize, tender and humiliated.
Format: MP4
Duration: 4 Min
Size: 308 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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