Title: Submissive Lexi - Spank and Fuck Your Daughter Daddy
Description: Daddy comes home from work to find me trying on mommy's lingerie, and he wants to spank me for being a bad girl. He spanks me 3 times on each ass cheek, then he gives me 5 more on each side, my ass is so red, then 2 more on each side. I beg to suck his cock so he won't tell mommy, He fucks my face, I gag so much, I get for him to take whatever he wants to not tell mommy. He fucks my tits, I suck some more, I beg him to take my pussy. He gives me 5 more spanks on each side. He rams his cock inside me, bareback, no condom, I beg him to not get me pregnant, mommy will be so mad, ***
Format: MP4
Duration: 9 Min
Size: 914 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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