I'm probably spamming
Added: Sep 07, 2006 2:41 pm
She was 16/17 at the times the nudes were taken
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 08, 2006 2:44 am
sindee1985 wrote:
She was 16/17 at the times the nudes were taken

You could cause a lot of trouble by saying what you've said and it sounds like you're only guessing. You need to be sure of what you're saying before making comments like that.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 08, 2006 1:24 pm
sindee1985 wrote:
She was 16/17 at the times the nudes were taken

Great way to start here. Get ready for the shitstorm of bad press.

When you were growing up, didn't your mom or dad say " If you haven't anything nice to say... say nothing at all". Your parents are very smart, you should have listen to them or mine at least............. Laughing

little baby steps here & work you way in and then you can piss people off , but you first have to earn that right.Wink

Anyway, welcome and we all hope to see you more often here !
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 08, 2006 6:22 pm
Dionysus wrote:
sindee1985 wrote:
She was 16/17 at the times the nudes were taken

You could cause a lot of trouble by saying what you've said and it sounds like you're only guessing. You need to be sure of what you're saying before making comments like that.

No trouble, Dionysus. It is normal. I repeat: it is your american paranoia. Sick thinking , like sick laws. In European countries no one has troubles like you told. Naked teenmodels we have everywhere...She made these photos really in this age like local Miss teenage.
Added: Sep 08, 2006 8:35 pm
Yes I agree completely with U kiwc...they like to drill drill drill and drill and making a stupid conclusions
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 08, 2006 11:30 pm
kiwc wrote:
Dionysus wrote:
sindee1985 wrote:
She was 16/17 at the times the nudes were taken

You could cause a lot of trouble by saying what you've said and it sounds like you're only guessing. You need to be sure of what you're saying before making comments like that.

No trouble, Dionysus. It is normal. I repeat: it is your american paranoia. Sick thinking , like sick laws. In European countries no one has troubles like you told. Naked teenmodels we have everywhere...She made these photos really in this age like local Miss teenage.

I'm not in the USA, but even in Europe some of those pics would cause a problem if she wasn't 18. In some of the photos her legs are apart and you can see her pussy. It's simply not true to imply that nude pics of girls of any age are legal in Europe. It's not that black and white. If a model is <18 then it could fall into a grey area depending on the content. So what Kiwc is saying is very misleading and if you listen to him you could end up in hot water.

She's around 19 now so it's possible the photos were taken when she was 18 or older. Nobody knows except the model and the webmaster, so don't say a model is <18 if you're only guessing.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 09, 2006 11:54 am
Dionysus.Where r u from? Here in Slovakia and Czech republic we have never trouble about same nude models. I don´t know here some girl (eighteen minus) would have any problem posing naked. Look to private pages, nudist pages... It is NOT PORN. So u can shoot girls in aver age. When some girls are posing y.ounger for some known media (for example Playboy), they need parental agreement. I know real cases when this works not so, but no one has problems. Your arguments are very naive. I see YOU have some problems and recommending you to stop visiting same pages. Visit some religion sites Smile
Is joke, when is enough claiming on web site "all girls are in age" and it is OK for ppl like you. Girls could be really 15 Smile))
God save our nativity.......Smile
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 09, 2006 8:12 pm
It's crazy to imply that if you're in Europe you can take photos of girls of any age in any pose. That's not true at all. I doubt it's even true in the Czech Republic.

If this board's server is not located in the Czech Republic then whatever the law is in the Czech Republic doesn't mean a damn thing, nor is it relevant to anyone outside that country.

I don't trust your interpretation of Czech law at all. It sounds far too simplistic. If the law were simple and black and white then we wouldn't need lawyers. So my advice to you is to stop making outlandish claims about the age of models and check your facts first.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 10, 2006 9:47 am
I don´t know where is this server located,maybe in u.kraine. Laws in mostly EU countries and UA are almost the same.In Germany i never meet some same problems too. Look their sites and magazines. I repeat: It is not porn, it is OK. U are living maybe somewhere in underground and you have some paranoid or psychical problems. Visit doctor or religion ´s forums- There is no crazy to imply i said. Please, awake -.....
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 10, 2006 12:13 pm
You are wrong. I have even seen someone post on this board that in Germany there's a special department that decides on the legality of photos if a model is <18. I also remember reading about a case in Moldova where someone was taken to court because of his nude photography.

Even if you don't care about the potential legal implications, you're overlooking the fact that any <18 material on this board will be deleted. So what good comes from claiming that a model is <18 if you don't really know her age?

Finally, you seem to forget that you don't own this board so you shouldn't go around saying that Americans and Canadians should stay away from here. They're all potential customers.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 10, 2006 12:42 pm
I repeate you, Claming about abge 1.8.+ are for satisfying of some country´s rules. reality is other. Moldova´s affair was probelm their used underage models not only for website modeling, but for HC too !!! O don´t talk about HC or porn. I talk about nude posing. Departments decidings about legality are everywhere, but is important read laws more concentric. Nude art is nude art......NOT PORN. If in this forum would be deleted nude pics of girls under eighteen, so more then half of photos are away Smile).
If u are so puritanic, please go moralize to other sites and stop visit this forum.
I know reality and ppl like you are center of jokes Wink
Have a nice day
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 11, 2006 1:26 am
I wasn't looking for a lengthy dialogue, I'm just trying to get you to use your common sense, but it seems I'm on a fool's errand. This isn't an issue of morality it's about not rocking the boat, abiding by the rules and keeping this place safe for everyone to visit.

I don't know who's giving you legal advice but I hope you're not paying for it. Anyway, I wash my hands of the matter. I tried to tell you that you're wrong, I tried to tell you that the things you say could cause problems but you won't listen. For everyone else's sake I will drop it. End of discussion.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 11, 2006 12:01 pm
OK, what you wish I do nothing i.llegal and don´t support iii.llegal things. But when u r sure shooting naked teens in your country is something bad or can cause your problem, i feel you sorry. I don´t know where u live (maybe your paranoia avoids u say it ) but your are away of reality. My legal advice comes from my reading of laws. Maybe you can´t difference between porn and art, maybe you never seen erotic m.a.gazines or Playboy (playmates there appeared were 16-17 too in czech, slovakia and german editions). Awake , dude Wink
End of this theme discussion and stop visiti this forum. U could have troubles so here in forum are posted many girls i told before. Smile)

P.S.: Your nickname is cool , i invite you to common wine drink Wink
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 22, 2007 12:58 pm
Sabrina is born at 21.7.1987 Surprised
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 22, 2007 1:59 pm
Angelo wrote:
Sabrina is born at 21.7.1987 Surprised

That´s right and the pictuers came up in 2003 for the first time. That makes her 15/16 when they were taken